Welcome to BB Directors Blueprints of Billionaires series where you’ll find the best case studies on the biggest brands in the world.
Welcome to BB Directors Blueprints of Billionaires series where you’ll find the best case studies on the biggest brands in the world.
Crypto coins, NFT’s, IPOs, Meta, and a flood of asynchronous unicorns. Their success is based on great product marketing, sales strategies, advertising campaigns, company cultures and more.
Brands that have seen two world wars, few depressions, famines, pandemics, birth of the internet and industrialization. There must be something that keeps them alive and kickin’.
Discover why companies like Everlast, Levi’s, Raketa, Gillette, 3M and more have survived over 100 years. Find out how they keep their competitive edge, what type of brand, marketing and sales strategies they employ and more.
From solving a gold miners pant problem, to becoming the symbol for freedom to millions of people. Click here for the full case study.
Coming April 2022
Coming May 2022
Coming June 2022
Coming July 2022
From a simple gold miner uniform to a cult symbol associated with freedom – Levis didn’t just survive 2 wars, but managed to adapt to thousands of smaller web 2.0 shops that online commerce slapped in their face.
It takes a free 30 minute call to find out how.
If you need a case study lke one of the ones above, contact us to and order it today.